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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Apple hires wearable technology expert


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iFashion – Apple hires wearable technology expert

MIThril-wearable-computingApple, one of the most innovative companies in modern history with an excellent track record of turning traditional business up-side-down seems to have set their eyes on the next business to transform: Fashion

The resent announcement circling around the Internet of Apple hiring a wearable technology expert in the person of Richard DeVaul could mean more support not only from Apple but other companies towards the wearable electronic technology and product development.

Richard DeVaul holds a PhD. in Media Arts & Sciences from MIT where he worked on new human-computer interaction techniques for wearable, mobile, and portable applications.

He is also founder & President at AWare Technologies which offers simple yet highly effective fitness monitor/measurement techniques around the iPhone/iPod and it’s own, small and wearable activity monitoring devices.

According to the Computer World article ‘DeVaul will be working under Jonny Ive in a secret lab focused on wearable computing technology where only seven people besides Ive and CEO Steve Jobs know what he is doing.

I am very curious about the developments by Apple but also what ripples this appointment and commitment of Apple towards wearable technology development will have by other companies in the technology and the clothing industry.

Maybe we are witnessing the emergence of iShoes, iDress, iJackets, iShirts, …….

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Posted via email from SeV / SCOTTEVEST the best travel clothes and clothing in the world

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