Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I caught the flu, again, and have been busier than ever. Enough of that, let me show you a preview of the new website look/feel with the first draft of the video concept- click this link. It is not done by any means, but it will give you an impression of the direction we are going in. Please let me know what you think.
On a personal level, it is difficult for me to step out and become the true face of SCOTTEVEST. I have wanted to do this for some time but have been reluctant to do so. It just seemed that the brand should speak for itself, as it has successfully for 7 years now, but I have recently found that when I personally talk about and describe the company, people really get it much quicker. So, with that in mind, I decided to step out. I hope I don't make a fool of myself.
I will do some more video posts this week. I am just too sick to get in front of my webcam.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Website Preview-with Video from Chicago
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Preview of SCOTTEVEST Photoshoot Images
Ok, I tried my best to organize all the images from the photo shoot, but have only just begun. You can view them all by product here on my Picasa web albums; they are separated by product. Note they have not been optimized at all. (You will see some older images too, as we may recycle some of the good ones). I decided not to name the new winter jacket and fleece Tactical 5.0 as I think people will be very confused, as they have little in common. If you want to see only the temporarily named SeV Winter Sports jacket, click here. Headless shots of the new products can be seen here for winter jacket and here for fleece.
Feel free to enter any comment on the picasa image pages themselves if you want to contribute.
LA Times Touts SCOTTEVEST/SeV Travel Vest
Check out the article about our new Travel Vest in today's LA Times here. Nice way to wake up on a Sunday.
Travel Vest helps get gadgets through airport security
By Hugo Martín, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
April 25, 2008
The vest looks good and, with stain- and water-resistant fabric, wears well. But life may be getting too complex when our clothing comes with a user manual that looks like an electronic schematic. Info: (866) 909-8378,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Weekend Blog Post, preview of Tactical and other pictures from Chicago
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Sorry about the no post yesterday. I am still recovering from the Chicago trip to shoot the new videos and new products. I have included some unretouched and uncropped pictures of me from the still photography. You can see the whole album here. I will post some pictures of the models soon, but to be honest, other than the woman, I don't think the male models looked all that great, so we need to retouch them a bit (to remove heads/faces). They just look way too skinny, as I will show you. I don't look much better, so please be gentle with your comments. You can see some pictures of the new Tactical 5.0 Ski Jacket, along with one picture of the Fleece 5.0 jacket. (I suppose those names might be fine). I really hope everyone likes these as much as I do, as well as the crew at the photoshoot.
The shoot was really exhausting but I believe the website will be much better as a result. We will be focusing on videos to show the product more, together with some interactive headless views that will show the features much better than we are doing now.
The expected launch date for new site is May 15th. I can't wait.
I had an AWESOME day today. It feels like Spring here, finally! It has been SO cold until now. I went on a long hike nearby. We had to turn back when we spotted (or should I say we were spotted by) a pack of wild coyotes, barking at us and our dogs. We weren't sure if they would harm us, so we turned back. We didn't have any leashes for our dogs and were concerned that they would try to chase the coyotes, so we used my belt and tied my jackets to them. All was well, and I learned that they were probably more scared of us than we of them.
I then went for a fairly long motorcycle ride. I bought a Suzuki Intruder 1500 (used) last year, and am just learning how to ride. It is an absolute blast. I am very careful. If I had one of these when I was younger, I would have been dead by now for sure. I hope I am mature enough now to respect their power and danger.
I rode with the new Tactical and Fleece and was warm as I could be, even though it is in the 40's here and wind in my face. I was very impressed that I didn't get cold at all. We sealed most of the seams in this jacket since it is intended as a ski jacket, and it worked quite well.
I bought a real motorcycle jacket on my way home though, since it has proper armor on the shoulders, and elbows, etc. It made me feel safer but was not warmer, and the pocket design SUCKS royally. I am amazed how many nice jackets still have the stupidest pocket designs, but glad nonetheless. I have been prompted to make a motorcycle version of our jackets in the past and may do so soon. It would not be that hard to do.
Well, I am off for today. I will try to post some images of the other models tomorrow, and start to solicit ideas for the names soon.
Please be gentle in terms of the pictures, but constructive criticism is always welcome.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Teaser Pictures of New Tactical-Unretouched
Here's a shot of me from the still photoshoot on Monday. Many more pictures to come; this is unretouched and uncropped. It is the new Tactical Jacket-name to be determined.
I am soooo tired.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Blog Post for 4/23/08 for real this time
Today's video shoot could not have gone better. I think you will be very impressed with the end result, or at least I hope so. We did a spoof on James Bond, among other things that I think were very funny.
I am VERY impressed by the comments on the Kids line below. Tons of great suggestions. Thanks so much.
BTW, we will be doing a contest soon to name the new Tactical and Fleece jackets. I will post pictures and solicit opinions, and give away a one of kind prototype of the fleece or tactical, which will be a collectors items.
So, start thinking of ideas.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Blog Post for 4/22/08
I am more tired than I have ever been, in recent memory. Today was the second day of the photo shoot. Yesterday was a cake walk, at least for me. Yesterday was all the professional models, with only me in front of the camera for about 15 minutes. But today it was all me all the time. We shot a TON of hi-res video to be used throughout the website, not hi-res of course. I basically had to read copy and do some improv on the spot for 7 hrs. That was tiring. I hope that the final product pays off and I don't look like a complete goof/dork. Basically, I think I explain the features and benefits better than anyone else can. So, I demonstrated most features; I forgot how many features we had.... We also basically taped most critical areas of the website, so you don't have to read so much if you don't want to.
I hope by Friday, perhaps Monday, to post some comps up here for your viewing pleasure. Wish me luck tomorrow. I have a TON more respect for actors/models. This is not easy. Also, the video crew did an amazing job too, lead by Sean Strimple of Walk On Productions. Fortunately, my right hand man and loyal SeV customer, Thom O'Leary, helped orchrastrate the whole event. I could not have done it without him. You will be seeing his work more soon. He is an amazing addition to the SeV Team.
I can promise you that I will NOT be awake enough tomorrow to do a post, but promise to post on Thursday, hopefully with some pictures of the new Tactical Jacket.
Monday, April 21, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Blog Post for 4/21/08
The first day of the photoshoot went AWESOME. I can't wait to show everyone the new products and website. The crew at the photo shoot LOVED them, especially the new Tactical and Fleece. I am thinking about pre-selling them in about 2 weeks or so to save BIG and reserve them since I am certain the will be in short supply in the Fall. I think I didn't order enough, especially based upon the feedback.
The female model was smoking HOT, but in a very cute way. The male models did a great job too.
I hoped to post some preview shots here but too much going on. Stay tuned. 16 gig of pics is a bit overwhelming.
The video shoot is tomorrow and Wednesday. This will be critical to new website, but also very grueling for me, as most will be of me.
Still trying to think of best names for these new products.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday in Chicago-Getting Ready for Big Shoot Day
Today was a relaxing day in Chicago for the most part. I drove around quite a bit. It's amazing how things have changed here in 5 years. Chicago remains one of the prettiest cities in the world, just too damn flat for me. We had our pre-shoot meeting at the photography studio. We have some really good talent all around, from great looking models (including a female model) to really professional photographers and video people. I showed everyone the new Tactical (still need to finalize a name) and Fleece, and EVERYONE loved them.
I believe that as a result of the work we do here in Chicago, which will soon be reflected on the website, SeV will soon be a brand name known by everyone, much the way Under Armour is now but a few short years ago was unknown. Our market potential is much larger than UA's will ever be, and our stuff is cooler too!
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
I will try to post some early previews from the photoshoot this week.
Thanks for reading.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Video Blog Post for 4/19/08
Too much to summarized, but had an AWESOME day in Chicago, very much like my favorite movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", including:
- Brunch at new Trump Hotel overlooking Lake Michigan, and downtown
- Visits with friends from OSU
- Cubs Game- in Bleachers- beat Pirates like 13-1
- Many Bars
- Smoke Daddy's Ribs
BTW, should we do SeV for kids? All my friends with kids think we need to do a line for "tweens" and also just for dads. Thoughts?
PS: Wore: TEC Shirt, and SeV Leather 4.0
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Video Blog Post for 4/18/08-First Day Back In Chicago
Ok, it is late at night, but give me some credit for posting everyday. My first day back in Chicago after 5 years, at my mother-in-law's house.
See the post here.
(I was unable to embed it; not sure why. Let me know if you can view it.) Cubs game tomorrow!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Scott Jordan Video Blog Post for 4/17/08
Need help finding a fulfillment center to outsource our warehouse to accommodate the growth. I tried using QuickTime Pro to record. Let me know if this is better.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV-Video Blog Post #5- My Blogging Philosohy
My blog philosophy varies from day-to-day. There is a consistent theme, though: behind the scenes mechanics of what it takes to run and grow SeV from beautiful Ketchum, Idaho. The blog will evolve over time – one thing is consistent, though: each blog post reflects an honest and true assessment of what I am thinking. It is not solely a marketing tool for SJ or SeV. I encourage comments as it helps my decision-making process. When I post video, I will keep it short to avoid getting long-winded. Coupon code – to see if you’re watching: juicy discounts.
Have a great day! Talk to you later,
Click below to see the video version from (thanks Randy!)
PS: I think I still need to do some work on the resolution settings. I will try harder and may re-record this, or shot it professionally in Chicago.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Video Blog Post #3- New Website Comps, Bachelor Visits Sun Valley, Blue Ant Review, BBC, Preview New Tactical 5.0
Topics on Today's Post:
-New Website Comps, see Product Details and Product Index Pages, HomePage, Comparison Chart
-Bachelor Visits Sun Valley
-Blue Ant Review
-BBC reviews SeV
-Preview New Tactical 5.0- sorry no pics, gotta watch the video....
PS: YouTube takes an hour or so to go live, so give it until a picture appears.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Video Blog Post #2- Weekend Post
Check out my 2nd Video Blog Post. Since it was a weekend, it was much more casual. Feel free to post a comment.
Thanks for watching!
PS: if it is not responding, please try again tomorrow am, as I think YouTube is slow to complete the upload.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Question is: not whether to Blog, but where to Blog...? Your help is requested...
Well, after just a couple of weeks of regular postings, I am pleasantly surprised that people (apparently lots of people) are really reading this. We have gone from a Google Rank of 0 to 4 (out of 10) in just a month or so, which for those of you who know Google rankings, is really good. Also we have hundreds of RSS feed subscribers. Now having started the SeV blog using Blogger, I am faced with a pretty big dilemma.
I am not very happy with the Blogger software I am using. I think it is not very user friendly, and hard to categorize, but having started the blog here, I want to be careful before just moving it elsewhere, and potentially losing all these posts and/or inconveniencing everyone who has already subscribed.
I am considering moving the Blog to our community sections here. This was created using Vbulletin a very long time ago, and I have neglected to add much new content, other than the In the News Sections which have been kept pretty current with the hundred of articles that have been written about us.
I think Vbulletin is VERY robust, but not sure if it is the best solution for the Blog. It seems like it is Blog PLUS, which is great, assuming people really are interested and participate.
I have always envisioned this area as a place where we could easily communicate with our customers and allow our customers to converse among each other. I think we may have been a bit ahead of our time on this, but now time has caught up with all the community buzz and Web 2.0 stuff, and we have thus lagged in this process.
So, if you have an opinion, please share it here on Blogger, or here on Vbulletin. I will be posting the same post in 2 places until I decide where is best.
Thanks for every one's interest and for reading and making this a successful blog.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Steve Bass PC Magazine Tips Today Touts Travel Vest-and walks down memory lane...
Well, this takes me back to 2002. The picture above is with me (6 years younger and much more naive) and Steve Bass, a very senior editor at PC World Magazine. It was taken at COMDEX, yes I said COMDEX, which used to be the LARGEST tradeshow in the world, until it died and CES took over. That's the background for the blog post that appeared last night on Steve Bass' highly regarded Tips and Tweaks Blog.
The full post is below, but please read it here too so Steve can get the well deserved traffic.
My love Affair With the ScotteVest (Or: 22 Pockets and Counting)
I wear the same thing to every trade show -- black jeans, sneakers, a black Polo shirt, and a well worn, ScotteVest, circa 2000. On the first day of this year's CES, I got an e-mail from Scott Jordan, the owner of the company.
"I heard you were in Vegas and wearing your old vest. Can I send you a brand new ScotteVest?" he said.
"Nah, but thanks," I replied. "Still happy with the old one. People love watching me ripping open flaps, unhiding hidden compartments, and producing things."
Next day, another message. "No, really," he wrote," I REALLY want you to try a new vest."
"Scott," I said, "it's okay. Seriously." The vest is as ancient as I am and it's been through a lot. I don't want to part with it.
He fired back immediately, as if he was watching his inbox, waiting for me.
"Listen, Steve," he said, somewhat urgently, "a buddy took a picture of you and the truth is I don't want you wearing a dilapidated, eight-year old Scott eVest."
I had to agree. His newer line of vests looked less geekish, and mine was getting a little long in the tooth. [Note to Scott: I do miss the two breast pockets, as nerdy as they made me look. The pockets gave me a spot for tons of small extras -- pens, gum, business cards, an old-fashioned paper notebook, tissues, and reading glasses.]
Try on a Scott Jacket
But wait. You say you haven't heard about Scott Jordan's clothing? Scott's jackets, hoods, hats, pants, T-shirts, and other stuff are for technologically enhanced people. Seriously. Each one has strategically located pockets and compartments for electronics.
Scott eVest's hidden pockets
The newer Scott eVest Travel Vest, for instance, has over 20 pockets with space for every conceivable gizmo you own. (My old one only had eleven pockets.) When I wander through trade shows, I have my cell phone, small notebook PC, camera, a small flashlight, and two bottles of water tucked into the vest -- and I have room for more stuff. (I wore the vest on a trip to China and I had space for a small camcorder; I also hid money and my passport in secret compartments.) The vest's claim to fame is that it lets me hide my phone’s headset wires in unobtrusive passageways than run up the vest and lead to my ears.
The T-shirt ($45) has three pockets -- for your MP3 player, cell phone, and whatever else you schlep with you. As with the vest, there's a way for you to hide and manage ear bud wires. The Hoodie ($70) has eleven pockets and the same ear bud containment system.
Okay, there's got to be a downside, right? There's just no getting around that it'll be expensive to line your closet with Scott's clothing. But just take a look at Scott's products. They're well made, fun-to-wear, designed with lots of surprisingly handy nooks and crannies, and honestly useful.
What do Mathew McConaughey, Steve Wozniak, Herbie Hancock, Lindsay Lohan, and Michael Mann, all have in common?
What do Mathew McConaughey, Steve Wozniak, Herbie Hancock, Lindsay Lohan, and Michael Mann all have in common? They all own a SCOTTEVEST/SeV, oh and they are all very famous and rich celebrities. A lot of people think that SeV's are just for "geeks" and travelers, but nothing could be further from the truth. It seems that Hollywood has discovered SeV. Here are just some celebs that we know of sporting SeVs. If you spot any celebs wearing our stuff, send me a picture (without harassing them please :)) Mathew McConaughey, Hollywood Actor, featured in opening action scene blockbuster Sahara wearing an SeV.
Herbie Hancock, Grammy Award Winning Jazz Musician "I got my SeV in time for my trip to Japan. It was just what I needed. All my little gadgets have a place and there's still more room left over. I also love the little notes in each pocket suggesting what you might put in it. What a great invention! I'm going to turn all my techie musician friends on to it."
Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and SeV Board Member "An exceptional accessory for my iPod. I do love my SeV products. I am a true fan of yours."

Monday, April 07, 2008
David J. Farber, former Chief Technologist of FCC, joins Steve Wozniak on SCOTTEVEST Board
David has been a long time customer and fan of SeV products for many years. I think he has practically everything we ever made. He is also known for short and funny quotes, called Farberisms. as described here. His SeV dedicated Farberism is: "When I travel , my Vest is like a Fibber McGee closet. Everything is stashed in it. Keys, tools, cell phones, iPods and food. When I walk through TSA security it must look like a junk shop. (It is neat having everything in one place for travel an the Vest wins). All I have to do is remember where I put my business cards when I am in Japan. My Vest is my traveling office."
He joins other luminaries on the SCOTTEVEST/SeV Board, including Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Kenneth "Hap" Klopp, founder of The North Face, among many other less well known smart and interesting people. Please welcome David to our board.
Professor Farber's bio is below, or if you prefer to read Wikipedia's version, click here.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
VW Westfalia at Home...All is now good
I have had the most amazing weekend playing around with my "new" 1970 VW Westfalia, previously blogged about here. When if first arrived from the long journey from Virginia to Idaho, it was a complete mess, as you can see from the pictures here, or below.
Well, after it first arrived, it required a tow to get off the trailer. Apparently, the seller didn't leave ANY gas in the tank, and the fuel lines froze solid. The seller advertised the bus as perfect, with no issues whatsoever, which was not the case, but I won't dwell on that. This is the first car I have ever bought without seeing it, and all things considered, it worked out very well.
Everyone who sees the bus, feel compelled to honk and pull me over and tell me about their memories involving similar VW's. This bus was made when I was only 6 years old, so it brings back memories for me too.
Immediately upon arrival, after getting it off the trailer and putting gas into it, I decided to take my 3 dogs for ride about 3500 climb over Galena pass. Much to my surprise it made it up fine, but had some difficulties coming down, due to rust and other debris in the gas tank. I am very fortunate it made it.
The bus then spent the next day getting fully detailed (although typically I enjoy doing this myself), and the following day in the shop getting "fixed". Which left this weekend as my first time to really put it to the test and enjoy it.
Well, in one day, I visited most of my friends here in Sun Valley/Ketchum, Idaho, and got many thumbs up. My dogs absolutely love it, as you can see from the pictures.
Last night, Laura (my wife) indulged me and we "took out" dinner (Sushi) in the Bus, with our dogs (yes we are pretty dog crazy as you can tell) and sat in a freezing bus and ate and planned our camping experiences for the fast approaching summer.
I could go on and on, but will spare you from all the details, but I now understand why VW Westfalia's have such a following.
Next week is a crazy busy week for us, and I will try to not allow any growing pains come through in my daily posts. We are trying to outsource our fulfillment, so we can continue to grow. We have already outgrown our new warehouse. It is a very time consuming and important process.
Also, we are down to crunch time on outlining all the videos we will be shooting in a couple weeks in Chicago. I can't wait for everyone to see the new website, as I am convinced it will be one of the very best websites on the internet, or at least that is the plan.
I will post more soon. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Should I watch Battlestar Galactica?
I had the best day, all relating to my first full day with my "new" 1970 VW Westfalia Bus, all worth repeating with pictures. See prior post about this here-long story but it has been in the shop since that post. All day I kept doing more really fun things (and getting tons of smiles and stories about memories) and couldn't wait to post but I am sooo beat, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
So, I thought I would seek out your opinion on something that just came up. As Laura (my wife and business partner) and I were surfing the 3000 DirectTV channels in an attempt to find something worth watching, with no luck. She stumbled upon Battlestar Galactica, and told me that we have LOTS of customers that are fans of this show. Why they feel compelled to tell Laura in both emails and calls speaks volumes either about the quality of the show, or the personality of the fans, or more likely some combination of both.
I must admit that I am a huge closet fan of Star Trek. I grew up watching that show, and reruns for years. I was not a "Trekkie" as you would define it but I did enjoy the moral dilemmas presented by the show, and found the acting laughable and women VERY attractive. I dabbled into the next series (I think called the Next Generation, but I honestly forgot), and also really liked that show, but was distracted by other things, like college at OSU. (Go Buckeyes)
So, here's my dilemma:
- TV for the most part sucks, with some notable exceptions (namely most HBO shows and LOST)
- Summer is fast approaching and I don't want to get hooked on another good TV show and miss doing stuff outdoors in Sun Valley, Idaho
- This is the last season of Battlestar, and if I don't try it now, I am unlikely to ever watch it, and if it is good, then I should
- I could go on but you get the point...
- What would you do?
- Your opinions on the quality of the show, and/or the fans would be very interesting and helpful in my very difficult decision process.
FYI: i just googled scottevest and battlestar galactica and got 414 matches, so there must be something to this connection.
Scott Jordan, dazed and really confused....
Founder and CEO
PS: Admittedly a completely off topic post.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Growing Pains...Argggg!!! but soon to be :-)
As many of you know, we are in the process of changing the look and feel of the website. To see some interim comps, click here. These are not final but close. We intend to re-brand the site to make it much cooler looking, and to include a very rich multi-media experience with tons of videos through the Ask Scott button, among other places. This is the first complete site overhaul in over 6 years. We have been making updates over the years, but nothing as dramatic as this.
We have found that most people think the product looks much better in person than it does on the site, and we are trying hard to make the site experience match the product experience.
Making this radical of a change does not happen easily. For example, as of last night and continuing as of this moment, all our site indexes show an error message. Yesterday we updated our SQL server so that we could upgrade our store software (we use an older but secure version of Miva), and this caused the problem.
Fortunately, one of our customers pointed this out to us, otherwise we would not have even known this.
I hope you like the new site look/feel, and that it is worth all the trouble.
By the way, I would like to personally thank everyone who made the sale as successful as it was. SCOTTEVEST/SeV continues to grow at a tremendous rate, over 47% in Q1 2008 compared to the first quarter of 2007, which was also way higher than prior years. I am thankful that in this economy we continue to grow. I don't take anything for granted.
Thanks for all your support, and have a great weekend.
BTW, the VW Westfalia arrived from Virgina this week. Although it required a tow to get off the trailer, it is way cool, and I will be tooling around this weekend. I will post some pics.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
CTIA Wireless Fashion Show Features SCOTTEVEST
If you attended the CTIA Wireless Show in Las Vegas, you probably saw several SeV products featured. Above is a picture taken at a previous show several years ago, together with a video below. Our past experiences, if you are so inclined, can be viewed here too.
The show is awesome, and has evolved, imho, as an alternative to CES, in many respects.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Acquired for $500 Million Deal Foretells Major Economic Turnaround
SCOTTEVEST/SeV Acquired for $500 Million Deal Foretells Major Economic Turnaround
Jordan Global Enterprises (JGE), a venture capital firm with diversified holdings, has acquired controlling interests in SCOTTEVEST INC (SeV) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Technology Enabled Clothing (TEC). The deal was consummated today in all stock deal valued at over $500 million. Jordan Global Enterprises divested itself of large interests in Microsoft, General Electric and other leading companies to acquire SeV in an unprecedented joint stock purchase.
According to Scott Jordan, President/CEO of JGE, “We have been watching SeV and TEC very closely for awhile. We believe that SeV's patented Personal Area Network (PAN) will be incorporated into all upper body garments in coming years, easily making this a billion dollar proposition. We believe the purchase price of $500 million is a bargain.” Jordan cited SeV’s huge growth earnings – over 1,500% increase in revenue last year – as another asset that made the company an attractive buy. “We were drawn to its great earning potential, which more than justified the $500 million price tag.”
Former Playboy Bunny (August 1999) and SeV spokesmodel, Rebecca Scott, has been appointed CEO of SeV. Believed by some to be an unusual move, Jordan explains that he has been watching Rebecca for some time and can easily see her in this position, among others. Jordan said, “She belongs on top. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would find someone with her attributes. She is a dream come true.”
In another unprecedented move, SeV Marketing Director, Kelly Adoggi, has been named CEO of TEC. Kelly describes her position of top dog of TEC as, “a real treat.” While she declined to comment on her plans for the company, industry observers will be keeping a close eye on her. Kelly is a controversial choice. While praised for her ability to take the ball and run with it, she also has a reputation for barking out orders. The combination has made her somewhat of a lone wolf in the corporate world. Jordan, shrugs off any criticism of Kelly, saying that, “her bark is bigger than her bite.”
While some question the timing of this merger, Jordan claims that the timing of the announcement is of the utmost importance for this deal valued at over $500 million. Stealing a look at his calendar, Jordan went on to say that, “opportunities like this are rare. They tend to happen only once a year.”
GOTCHA! Disclaimer: Many of the stories contained herein have no basis in fact and any resemblance to actual people, facts or events is purely coincidental. Happy April Fools Day!