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Friday, October 03, 2008

Backstage: review of Sarah Palin's Performance last night-Kristin Blanck and Scott


LP said...

Palin kicked Biden's butt - because she is honest (not a plagiarist like he is), down to earth, (not a snobby Senator like he is) and has a wise vision for the future of this country (and isn't blindly following the media's "Manchurian Candidate") like he is. Joe Biden has already lied to America several times, including stating only a few months ago when he said he would NEVER BE ANYONE's V.P.!!!!!! Everything Biden said about Iraq was a lie served with a smile. Please save small businesses like SEV and mine, don't vote for Obambi!! I pray our country will wise up and do the right thing this election. Anyone who chooses Obama/Biden over McCain (who I am not fond of) and Palin (who I think is awesome) is choosing to lead America down the quick path to destruction based on their ignorance of politics and willingness to be swayed by the media who is shoving Obama down everyone's throat. This is only my opinion, and I realize that it is a strong one. If you want to read more about why Obama is not right for this country read his own autobiography, which is an African-American version of Hitler's "Mein Kampf". Obama is a racist, and says so himself in print, all you have to do is read it for yourself. He is not a patriot, and he does not have the best interests of our country at heart.

Scott Jordan, CEO of SCOTTEVEST/SeV said...

Yo Jack,

Your "facts" are all wrong, and not worthy of a response.


Harry Joiner said...

I am a republican, at least historically, having voted on the issues as they apply to my family. (That's democracy, right?)

My take: For the first 20 mins of the debate, Mrs. Palin looked shaky. At least Mr. Biden looked like he belonged there.

I would really love to back Mrs. Palin whole heartedly, but I just don't think she's ready for the job. If she were a man, there's no way Mr. McCain would have picked her as a running mate. This does not make her a bad person, but ...

I think the republicans are in serious trouble this year (and next year if they win).


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is DANGEROUS!!!!! She sucked!! Biden kicked butt.......How can you compete with 30 years of experiance. I am absolutely terrified of her being a heart beat away. Biden is intelligent and knowledgable. She is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

She did collapse in front of Joe Biden.........Palin did not answer any of the questions......she wasn't even shy about not answering the questions. I disagree with you in that Biden absolutely won. He answered every question with FACTS. If she had winked at me one more time I would have thrown up.This is our country's choice.........very scary.

Anonymous said...

No way.....................will she be on the ticket in four years. Obama has planned this since the beginning. The people will never allow her to run the country. I agree with you Kristen. Check out how Alaska really feels about her. I shook Obama's hand a couple of weeks ago. My friend when to high school with Obama in Hawaii from 5th to 12th grade. He is the real deal!

Scott Jordan, CEO of SCOTTEVEST/SeV said...

I couldn't agree more with you. Palin is super scary. I am moving to Canada/Mexico if this country is stupid enuf to elect her with McCain, who is the first canidate I ever gave money to in 1999, but I don't know this man compared to the one who ran in 2000.


Kristin Blanck said...

Kristin....the big mouth designer here...I don't want to throw another fly into the ointment, but in all honesty, I was/am/always will be a Hillary supporter. The bottom line is that I'm not super thrilled with either ticket at this point for any one of a number of reasons. I have been a registered Democrat my whole life and come from a long line of Democrats. I think this could be one of the most horrific points in the history of this country. I don't care about winks, brilliant oratory, a statement that wasn't properly attributed to another person, or a prison of war record. I want the best person to get us through this difficult period. We have had 7 years of a nightmare administration that we got into because people wanted to have a beer with someone or invite them to their picnic. I have some very firm reasons that don't permit me to support McCain/Palin, but I'm not in love with my other choice. Everytime I ask my husband who he's voting for he says neither. I hear this from many, many friends and family who have always been staunch Dems or Republicans. I don't think that
speaks highly of any of the candidates.

Anonymous said...

Too bad they didn't follow the original plan.......HIllary in for the first four to eight years with Barack as her vp and then barack in for the following eight years. I wanted to like Hillary but I still feel because of her thirst for power, and Bill's(god love him) they just couldn't get out of the way. I also agree with having someone in there that I can relate to........Kristin!That is the problem I don't want to relate to Joe Six PAck, who ever the hell he is. I think Barack is just as surprised as we all are that he made it this far..that is how desperate the American people want a change. As far as moving goes, Scott, I have already planned a trip to Mexico to look at real estate. I kid not.

Anonymous said...


Joe really blew it when she said, "I dont know how much I could say as I have only been doing this for , what five weeks?"

Dont worry Obama is going to go hard now at McCain with this campaign..