This brings back memories....see our first ever newsletter here. Don't ask me how that autobiography is coming.... I have had over 6 years since i "started".
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Memories....Our First Newsletter- Scott's Autobiography Status
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Google Calendar
Check out our new public calendar. Add to your google calendars to be the first to learn about new things here at, including new arrivals, contests, sales and general stuff that you would want to learn.
Google Calendar
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Check out new picks of our upcoming website here
The link is here ; scroll down and you can see how it will look together; a little too much me, but i love the gadget concept. It will have easter eggs, and navigation elements that are way cool. Launch date pushed back 2 weeks due to re-edits needed, but be patient it will be worth it.
btw, see the earlier post from today below, this is a double day
also, i may post a further video comparison: youtube, blip, vs. google videos, from my hi-def camera.
in case i forget, check out our sale page next week; we r adding a bunch of stuff which will go fast
Video Blog Post-YouTube Sucks! Watch Lost
- YouTube Sucks
- Project Pentimento see prior video here
- Camping this weekend
- American Airlines new charges for bags
- My Thoughts on Lost
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
SCOTTEVEST Travel Vest Demo- Blip vs. You Tube?
The first video is edited. I think it is good, but could be better, but let me know what you think. I embedded Blip, first one, and Youtube, second. Let me know which looks better.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Scott Jordan, CEO SCOTTEVEST video blog post 5-20-08
- Crew Gifts for new Michael Mann Movie, Public Enemy
- Thoughts re Sharing Skype Calls
- Did I mention the Hidden and Ultimate Cargo Pants are back in stock
- New Website will launch next week, hopefully
- Conversion to Mac
- follow me on twitter
- Patent on PAN re-issued and expanded coverage
Monday, May 19, 2008
Scott Jordan, CEO SCOTTEVEST video blog post 5-19-08- Preview of New Videos
Here's a DRAFT of some video we are working on:
Also see:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Video Blog Post Saturday 5-17-08
Watch a very brief video of my day here.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Scott Jordan SCOTTEVEST Video Blog Post 5-15-08
- Pants back in Stock
- Conversion to Mac - Crisis-lemons to lemonaide-website evolving
- Name of Tacatical set Quantum 5.0
- More videos
- Fathers Day Special-Hats
- Moving To Chicago-order now to save if you live in Illinois; Soon ground to NY will take only 2 days
- Mac Sam Levin
- Teaser on New Site, with Videos
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Short Post Today-Way too Tired to do anything meaningful
I don't have the energy to do a meaningful blog post today, so I will just give very brief summary.
I am in Chicago. I think I found our new fulfullment center, after MUCH research. I really like the owners of this facility.
More to follow. I hope everyone is well, and enjoyed my attempts at video editing yesterday. I posted it to youtube and the link is below in case you didn't see it.
Please let me know if I made a fool of myself.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Very Funny: Scott's Conversion to Mac is now complete-he is editing clips about the Bus Tour
For background on the bus tour see:
See for more information.
See the YouTube Version here.
Watch Scott Jordan on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch on CNBC
Watch my second interview with Donny Deutsch on CNBC's The Big Idea here:
I thought you might enjoy seeing this video. It aired as a part of the road to ces special.
I had a great day for a monday. I made a video and editted it. I think it was fairly entertaining. When Thom gives me the approval that I am not emabarrassing myself, I will make it public. Be gentle.
PS: here's the encore performance from a couple weeks later. (Donny doesn't let you get a word in edgewise, and for me that's a challenge.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Too Cold To Camp-Packed it Up Early-Another Preview of New Site Videos
Check out a flash video from new website below. It is a bit out of context, but you will get a flavor of it. In sum, when you click on a button asking how to figure out the scottevest this funny video will launch with a very cool gadget looking thingy and then launch into a very cool video. Let me know if you like it.
BTW: I just discovered; yea I'm a bit late to the party but better late than never. Check out one of my favorite stations: it may surprise you.
Scott Jordan, SCOTTEVEST, INC.
CEO and Founder
Friday, May 09, 2008
Scott Jordan-What Should the Bus Tour Theme/Plot Be? Web 2.0 Strategies
Video Blog Post.
Topics: Good Housekeeping Features TEC Hat
My Arm Is Stuck to a Tree
Web 2.0 is overwhelming: Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, Blip, Youtube: i am so confused!
Bus Tour: What is the theme??? Seinfield: a story about trying to find a story?
FYI: I am going campling tomorrow so no post tomorrow, assuming it does not snow tomorrow, like today!
Have a great weekend.
PS: Today I have 2 posts, see my best friend Mike describe the beating I took at Golden Tee yesterday.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
How Scott Lost 35lbs in 3 weeks with no exercise
Its a longer post today, but at the end I explain how I lost 35lbs in 3 weeks with no exercise or effort whatsoever.
It was a good day today. I talked with the editor of Warren Miller's films. I am trying to get him involved with the bus tour.
Here's a link showing part of our new website. It is a first cut but let me know if you like it. Don't try to click on anything, just watch. Agreed its a bit annoying but we will fix that when we go live.
btw, i joined, but admit i think it seems sort of stupid, but I am trying it for kicks.
PS: not sure what is taking so long to convert to flash.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
SCOTTEVEST to Sponsor US Secret Service Team in Race!
A few months back I got a request from the US Secret Service to outfit a team for a race. I gladly provided a bunch of stuff to them. Here's some information on the race.
Went on first road bike ride of the season in Sun Valley.View Blog
Bus Tour is coming together.
See today's video blog here.
See a short collection of SeV Media Reviews here from Youtube.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
SeV TV: See Scott Make a Fool of himself on Japenese TV
I thought I would include a very funny TV Show about me that appeared on the biggest Japanese TV Network called "The Worlds Most Successful People". I didn't choose the title. Other people featured ranged the gamut.
A 4 man Japanese film crew came out to Sun Valley to film this awhile ago. I have yet to have it translated. I am younger, fatter, with longer (very funny looking) hair. The funny part though is that they got an older actor who looked NOTHING like me to reenact portions of my life and childhood.
I hope you enjoy this, and please laugh at me, as I truly deserve it in this case. It is truly hilarious, even if you don't know me. If you do know me, you will laugh even harder. You will also get to see my lovely wife Laura, and my poodles (although the small one is now dead, and is referred to affectionately as "Dead Kelly") See picture of Killer Kelly:
Sorry to complain about yesterday, Monday, but I will reiterate, Monday's generally suck. Today was much better. I managed to accomplish much of what I set out to do. I decided to do my video blog from outside today. Check it out here.
BTW, we pushed the site launch back a bit, but I think you will be very impressed with the end result. Here's a teaser of the new Home Page look and feel with the new video feature. Note that this is a non-functioning version other than video intro, so don't try to click on anything. If you want to see the intro again, press refresh. In sum, a mini-Scott will be available to show you how the site and the product works. Don't worry, you can shut me up easily. (Laura wishes she had it so easy).
My wife, Laura, is the camera person, and she personally, nor can I, believe that anyone is really interested in what I have to say, much less wants to watch me say it. However, based upon our Google Rank (5/10) in a very short time, apparently there are a lot of people watching and reading this blog. Thanks!
Have a great day, and don't forget to buy a mother's day present.
Monday, May 05, 2008
My Day: I Don't Like Mondays: Boomtown Rats
Ok, perhaps I am dating myself by the reference to the Boomtown Rats infamous song, "I don't like Mondays" , but simply stated, in my own words, Mondays (typically) suck! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the song, which happens to one of my all time favorites, it is about a student in San Diego who did something awful (read link for details) and when asked why she did it she simply replied: "I don't like Mondays".
While today wasn't nearly as bad as the Monday referred to in the infamous song, it seemed like it just wouldn't end. Today seemed to be complete blur.
It started out just fine, and in fact ended fine, but the ride was long, bumpy at times and incomplete. I just couldn't finish anything I started. Here's a summary of the highlights.
My alarm went off, I stretched out, got up, made some coffee and took the dogs out. Then, I [fill in the blank]. Alright I am just kidding. I am not going there with this blog. Not now, not ever. Read about someone's daily boring activities on another blog. This blog is intended for the behind the scenes views of my daily boring life :-)
So for real this time. As usual I started my day wondering what I was going to blog about later that day. This time it was easy. I got an email from Shawn Powers of both Linux Journal and independent fame. Shawn is responsible for one of the funniest SCOTTEVEST videos ever made (watch it here, but be patient as the ending is truly hilarious).
Shawn shared with me a blog post by one his own blog readers. The post is shown here, and it is entitled "Totally Geeked Out" and is about, well you guessed it (or not), a couple who just got themselves a pair of his and her SeVs for themselves with pictures of them modeling the same, with more flare than I do btw. I don't know why but I just think it is pretty cool when I see people blog about their excitement learning about our products. It seems that some people didn't know SeVs existed. They must be living under a rock :-) with over 100,000 websites referring to SCOTTEVEST per google.
Well, that was supposed to be the beginning and end of today's blog post, sans the intro above. But as the day is fast coming to an end, there were so many other activities that I thought worthy of mentioning. While thinking about all these, none came to the forefront, and it occurred to me just how many different things I did today.
So, for real this time, here goes the highlights of my typical Monday.....
I walked to work (~2 miles) as I do every day, with my three big dogs firmly attached to me at the waist, while talking to my right hand man, Thom O'Leary. (Thom is worthy of his own full post saved for another date). I took the ~40 minutes on the walk to express my sincere panic that the new website will not be ready on schedule (May 17), and telling him about my extensive ideas on the SeV Bus Tour (see post below for more on that). He assured me it would be done on time.
I got to work, and read through and replied to about 100+ emails (excluding spam and customer service emails). I then remembered I was still sick. So, I called my Dr. who said they had an appointment NOW if I rushed over. So, I ran over to the hospital.
I spent the next 30 minutes begging my doctor to prescribe me some antibiotics. I have been sick for what seems like months, and he explained the whole virus vs. infection thing, and I didn't really care. I just wanted to get better. I finally convinced him to give me some antibiotics - SUCCESS!
Then, I returned to the office. I made a HUGE list of what I HAD to get done that day, realizing there was no way I could get everything done, but had to try.
My first priority was to deal with the outsourcing of our fulfillment process. We narrowed down our finalist to 3 companies, all in the midwest. I had to call about 10 people to get references on these companies. I HATE calling for references. Of course they are only going to give me the best people to call. I figured a way around it though. I went online and ordered products from the companies that the 3pL companies fulfill for to see how they dealt with them. Well, not all so good but I learned a lot by doing this secret shopper task, including it takes over 7 minutes for them to pick up a phone on one occasion. I proceeded to try to make travel plans to visit 3 cities in as many days, leaving from Sun Valley, Idaho. Not easy or fun. This will be next week's activities.
Then, it occurred to me that mother's day was fast approaching. Besides the fact that I still haven't gotten anything for my own mother-in-law yet (aka the "Wicked"), I realized that for the first time EVER we finally have a full line of women's products but was informed by Laura that we didn't have enough in stock to do a promotion, and it was too late for people to order unless they used an expedited shipping method. So much for planning ahead....
I was able to preview and comment on some key videos to be included in the new website. They looked good, but I believe we are way behind schedule on editing, although Thom assures me again that all will be ok.
I then called my web designer, Robert, to give him a pep talk on the new site, but it turned out to be a nervous panic of my concerns about finishing everything on time, etc.
Next I had to interview someone for our bookkeeping position. I have been doing all the bookkeeping myself and it is just getting to be way too much. I hate interviewing people. I am a horrible judge of character.
Then the fun part. I got to plan the SeV Bus Tour. I am so excited about this. In sum, I think the route is set: Sun Valley, Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco, San Jose, Lake Tahoe, and back. We are trying to come up with a funny story to tie it altogether, but haven't figured it out yet. It needs to have a beginning, middle and end, with some other "characters" in it, other than me and my tennis ball/Frisbee crazy standard poodle Lucy, named after Loose Lucy song by the Grateful Dead. (Ideas are welcome!)We are looking for people to host SeV parties, at my expense of course, in these cities. If you are interested, please let us know, or better yet submit a video via Youtube or telling why I should visit you.
Well, I am leaving a ton out but that is the crux of my day. Oh yea, I forgot, I spent the last 45 minutes summarizing it here. Yea, I have a problem.
BTW, I am disappointed no one weighed in on yesterday's post about my dilemma. See below.
Sorry such a long post today.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Dilemma? Burning Man vs. Red Rocks (Bob Weir and Allman Bros) for Labor Day? (MY WORST VIDEO BLOG EVER)
[Ok; i just watched this video. Now I can tell just how sick I felt today. I was horrible in this video. And your first introduction to my wife, Laura, is her voice correcting me in the background. This video will be up for a very short period, as I am going to re-do this 4sure. I don't want to be remembered by this one....PS: Feel free to express your agreement or not, or just blow me %$#*! as I would no doubt do if I was you. I hope no one who knows me in real life, vs Blog life sees this.]
It's a weekend, so here goes another personal weekend post. Similar content on video, with poor lighting though and iffy sound.
So, I have a dilemma: For Labor Day, I bought my ticket for Burning Man. I planned to go with a very close friend, for my first time. For those of you who have not heard about Burning Man, see this link; it is too hard to describe, especially since I have never been. It is truly a once in a life time experience, that you get to do over and over, but only once you decide to go for the first time.
Well, after getting my wife, Laura's, permission, which was very easy, to go, she informed me that Bob Weir (of the Grateful Dead) as playing Red Rocks with the Allman Brothers that same weekend. I have always wanted to see a concert at Red Rocks, see this link for information on this very special venue.
So now I don't know what to do.
Pros for Burning Man:
- Ticket already bought
- Only Once Per Year
- Supposed to be amazing experience
- Quality Time with Good Friend
- approx 600 miles away (1 day's drive)
- Surrounded by beautiful women
- Many others, too many to list
- No wife and dogs for the experience
- Very Hot and Dusty
- Surrounded by beautiful women
- Could always do it next year, but I would be another year older when I did, as Warren Miller always says....
- Wife and Dogs could come along
- Always wanted to see this venue
- I haven't seen the Dead, or any of its members for quite some time. (FYI: my first Grateful Dead concert was Jerry's last show in Chicago. More on that if requested)
- I am sure I am leaving lots out
- 800 miles in 1970 VW Bus would take more than a day, and would be a lot of travel for a single show
- Can't camp near the show, as far as I understand it.
- By going, I would be pissing off a friend who purchased tickets already to goto Burning Man with me; perhaps the single best reason to goto Burning Man, but he says he doesn't mind.
- Could always see another concert there.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I still have the flu. It will not go away.... I hate being sick, especially when it is so nice outsite.
Slingbox Rocks-Bus Tour is Going to Happen
I just hooked up my new Slingbox. For those of you who have not heard about it, you should check it out. It allows you to watch your TV from any internet connected computer or certain mobile phones. Too bad it doesn't work with my Blackberry yet....
I have been thinking about my post from yesterday, for the SeV Bus Tour. I have decided to do it. I am going to video the experience and meet with customers and SeV fans along the route. If you want me to visit your city, please email me at I think I will first go to Seatlle to visit with friends at Microsoft and Boeing, among others, and then make my way down the coast. It will be tons of fun. I have not decided all the details yet but I will post them here as I figure them out.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
My Philosophy-Somone Else's words
A close friend shared this article from Media Post's Search Insider with me, and I wanted to share it with you. In sum, what has driven me from day one was to solve a problem, namely make a product that allows you to carry your stuff without looking like a geek. I can't tell you how many people and consultants I have worked with over the years that told me to do research on this idea to ensure there was a market for it. I never did any research other than my own personal experience, and it has served me well over the years. I firmly believe that if you build a better product that solves a real problem, and provide great customer service, business will follow. Let me know your thoughts. The relevant parts of the article is printed below but you can read it here too.
"Thank God for Product-Centric Leaders
Posted May 1st, 2008 by Gord Hotchkiss
All you who have Google stock, take a moment to thank Larry and Sergey. You who have fallen in lust with your iPhone, stop and say a silent prayer for Steve Jobs. And you parents who spent many a peaceful hour thanks to your kids being glued to a Disney movie, face towards Disneyland and bow to Walt himself, may he rest in peace (or a freezer, as rumor has it). Thank God for product-centric leaders, because they are few and far between.
The Product-Centric Leader
Here’s a shocker, coming from me. The more I think about it, the more I don’t believe customer-centricity is the key. It’s not a goal, it’s a by-product. It comes as part of the package (often unconsciously) with another principle that is a little more concrete: product-centricity. Product-centric leaders, the ones that are obsessive about what gets shipped out the door, are customer-centric by nature. They understand the importance of that magical intersection between product and person, the sheer power of amazing experiences. The iPhone is amazing. Disney classics are amazing. My first search on Google was amazing. Steve, Walt, Larry and Sergey wouldn’t have it any other way. They focus attention on the importance of that experience, and know, somewhere deep down inside, that if they get it right, the revenue will take care of itself.
The other thing about product-centric leaders is that they don’t have to do extensive customer research. They may, and many do, but they already have a gut instinct for what their customers want, because they are their own customer. Larry and Sergey invented a new search engine because the old ones were fundamentally broken and they were fed up with them. Walt built Disneyland because he was tired of sleazy, grimy amusement parks. And Steve knew that some people need a lot more than a beige, generic box because he’s one of them. They have user-centricity baked into their core, because they’re building products they want to use. They don’t compromise in the drive to create a product that’s good enough for them. It’s a happy coincidence that there are lots of other people who also love the product. It’s an intuitive connection that 99.9% of corporate leaders can’t imagine, let alone do.
Managers Are Almost Never Product-Centric
The typical corporate manager has no special bond to the product. Along the line, too, many compromises have been made in the name of profitability. Whatever amazement the product may have once had has been sold off, bit by bit, along the way. The sales manager and the bean counters have taken over the steering wheel. They turn out bland, uninspiring products they wouldn’t use themselves. They are not product centric, they’re profit-centric, and profit really doesn’t inspire anyone."