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Monday, April 09, 2012

The Transformer Jacket- Perfect for all occassions. @LGreenberg #CES #TBEX #Travel

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April 9, 2012

Review: ScotteVest Transformer Jacket

I’m not sure about you but personally I get warm very easily.  There’s nothing worse than overdressing for cold weather outside and then baking when one ventures indoors.  CES is a prime example of this at it’s worse.  The early morning temperatures in Las Vegas are always cool in January so you want to dress warmly for the ride or walk into the convention center.  However, once you’re inside it’s like you were magically catapulted into the Amazon rain forest.  I’ve made the mistake before of dressing for winter at CES and paid for it inside the convention hall ending up drenched in sweat.

If there’s one thing that’s been a constant for me over the years at CES it’s ScotteVest clothing.  I really appreciate the seemingly endless pockets ScotteVest clothing seems to offer as it allows me to carry along all the gear necessary to cover an event like CES without having to bring a Sherpa along to haul it.

After a short time with ScotteVest’s newest offering, The Transformer, I already know it’ll be the perfect piece of clothing for CES next year, as well as tons of other occasions where I go from cool to warm.  The lightweight jacket features removable sleeves.  Removable sleeves aren’t exactly revolutionary though, other ScotteVest jackets already feature them.  What is revolutionary is just how The Transformer looses it’s sleeves.

Want to see it in action?  Head on it after the break to see my full video review of the ScotteVest transformer.  Then head to this page on the company’s web site to learn more about it.




Larry has always had a passion for gear and gadgets. It all started for him with the release of the very first Palm Pilot. He has always had an interest in handheld electronics. From handheld PDAs, to cell phones, Mp3 players, watches and other products, Larry is the first person his friends, family and colleagues call when they need advice on tech.

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